As most of you probably know, my circle lenses arrived this week! And today I found the time to record a review and a voice over. I was determined that I'd never talk in my videos but it was requested and recommended so I gave it a try! I got my lenses at
Maple Lense, a website that sells many different circle lenses for a price that I've never seen anywhere before. I got my first pair of circle lenses at an anime convention last year. They were €40,- which is ridiculous compared to the prices (and quality!) that maple lens offer. Both pairs I got were only €14,- , shipping was €5,- and I got adorable lens cases to keep them in, so I was very pleased with that! I got the bear shaped boxes in blue, and the fish ones in a lighter shade of blue. Very very cute! My natural eye color is blue with grey, so I decided to get lenses in my natural colors to match them. You can check out my review video on my youtube channel. The link is in the top bar of my blog!

The first pair I got is from EOS. It's from the 'New Adult' series in grey. The lenses are 14,8 mm and you can see the difference it makes! Because I was going for a natural look, I was a little sad to find out that the black line around the lens is really harsh and dark. However, wearing the lenses inside-out fixed this problem as the black is more of a darker grey on the other side!
no lens - lens

These lenses don't really allow me to achieve the natural look that I wanted, but I still really like them. I've been thinking of getting a dark wig, and I'm pretty sure that the grey lenses will look really great with a darker hairstyle! If I do get a wig, I will post another picture to show you all what it looks like then!

The second pair is also from EOS, and it's also 14,8 mm. It's from the 'Ice' series, in blue. I absolutely adore these lenses. They blend really well with my natural eyes and they really do make my eyes look bigger and more doll-like. I will definitely wear these a lot!
lens - no lens.

Because the 'Ice' series only have color on the edge of the lenses, they tend to blend a lot better than the 'New Adult' ones. I think I will order more colors from EOS - Ice in the future, because these lenses are my definitely my favorites!
For people who want to extend their natural eye color, I recommend the 'Ice' series, because they blend really well and look a lot more natural than the 'New Adult' ones. However, if you want to get a color that's completely different from your natural color, I recommend to get full-colored ones like 'New Adult', because not only do they extend the eyes, they also cover up your natural color! If I ever want to have brown eyes, I wil definitely get 'New Adult' ones, but otherwise I'll stick to 'Ice'!
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